Chao Liu


Principal Investigator 

Address : State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning & IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Beijing Normal University, 19 Xinjiekou Wai Street,Beijing 100875, P.R.CHINA



2010 – 2015     Ph.D      Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Science and Cognitive Neuroscience

                             Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

                             Advisor: Twila Tardif

                             Dissertation: Whats in a name? How different languages result in different                                                                  brains in English and Chinese speakers

                             Committee: Twila Tardif, Henry Wellman, William J. Gehring, Christopher S. Monk,                                                                          San Duanmu


2001 – 2004     M.S        Cognitive Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

                              Advisor: Xiaolan Fu


1997 – 2001     B.S        Computer Science, Wuhan Polytechnic University, Wuhan, China





2016 – Present    PI                                  IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research,

                                                                           Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China


2016 – Present    Professor                 State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning,

                                                                           Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China


2010 – 2016         985 Investigator     State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, 

                                                                           Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China


2004 – 2005        Research Assistant           Key Laboratory of Institute of Psychology,

                                                                           Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China           



• National Natural Science Foundation of China. The psychological and brain mechanisms of evaluating recipients’ repaying behavior in helping interaction (32271092). 54000 RMB, PI, 2023 – 2026

• Major Project of the National Social Science Foundation. Interdisciplinary research on psychology, brain and artificial intelligence of Chinese moral cognition and emotional characteristics (19ZDA363). 800,000 RMB, PI, 2020 – 2023

• National Natural Science Foundation of China. The brain mechanism and developmental trajectory of moral-related social emotions (31871094). 620,000 RMB, PI, 2019 – 2022 

• National Key R&D Program of China. Multi-strategy and objective measurement of abnormal psychology and behavior (2017YFC0803402). 4,200,000 RMB, PI, 2017 – 2020

• The National Program for Support of Top-notch Young Professionals, China. Researches about the characteristics of Chinese moral cognition: on the perspective of psychology and brain mechanisms. 550,000 RMB, PI, 2015 – 2017 (completed)

• Major Project of the National Social Science Foundation. The characteristics of Chinese social cognition: Integrated researches of psychology and brain science (12&ZD228). 800,000 RMB, PI, 2013 – 2017 (completed)

• National Natural Science Foundation of China. The brain mechanisms of kinship representation and its developmental trajectory and cross-cultural differences (31170971). 600,000 RMB, PI, 2012 – 2015 (completed)




2021           Changjiang Young Scholar

2019           Keynote speaker, the 22nd National Academic Congress of Psychology

2015           The National Program for Support of Top-notch Young Professionals, China  

2012           Jingshi Elite Program of Beijing Normal University

2009           Rackham Predoctoral Fellowships, University of Michigan

2009           Pat Gurin Distinguished Lecture Award, University of Michigan

2009           Rackham Graduate Student Research Grant, University of Michigan

2009           Rackham International Research Award, University of Michigan

2009           Center for Chinese Study Dissertation Fieldwork Fellowships, University of Michigan

2008           Roger W. Brown Memorial Award, University of Michigan

2008           Center for Chinese Study Fieldwork Research Fellowships, University of Michigan

2006           International Institute Individual Fellowships, University of Michigan

2005           Rackham Graduate School Travel Grants, University of Michigan





• Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Associate; Human Brain Mapping Society; American Psychology Association; Society of Cognitive Neuroscience; Society for Social Neuroscience

• Frontiers in Decision Neuroscience, Associate Editor 2018 –, Acta Psychologica Sinica 2022-, Advances in Psychological Science 2021-

• Ad hoc Reviewers: Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, Cerebral Cortex, Neuroimage, Human Brain mapping, Neuropsychologia, Perception, Chinese Science Bulletin, SCIENCE CHINA, Acta Psychologica Sinica