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• 张智琦, 朱睿达, 刘超*. (2020). 国家自豪感对亲社会行为的影响:群体类型和忠诚度的调节作用. 科学通报, 2020, 65(19): 1956-1966. [PDF]


• Zhu, R.D., Liu, C., Li, T., Xu, Z.H., Fung, B.W., Wang, L*., Wu, H.Y*., Luo, Y*., Feng, C.L*. (2019). Intranasal oxytocin reduces reactive aggression in men but not in women: A computational approach. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2019, 108: 172-181 [PDF]

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• Su, R., Guo, L.F., Tang, H.H., Ye, P.X., Zhang, S., Yao, X., Liu, W.L*., Liu, C*. (2019). Comprehensive sexuality education weakens the effect of in-group bias on trust and fairness. Sex Education, 2019, 1610373 [PDF]

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• Zhu, R.D., Feng, C.L., Zhang, S., Mai, X.Q*., Liu, C*. (2019). Differentiating guilt and shame in an interpersonal context with univariate activation and multivariate pattern analyses. Neuroimage, 2019, 186: 476-486 [PDF]


• Tang, H.H., Wang, S., Liang, Z.L., Sinnott-Armstrong, W., Su, S*., Liu, C*. (2018). Are proselfs more deceptive and hypocritical? Social image concerns in appearing fair. Frontiers in Psychology, 2018, 9: 02218 [PDF]

• Tang, H.H., Lu, X.P., Cui, Z.X., Feng, C.L., Lin,Q.X., Cui, X.G., Su, S*., Liu,C*. (2018). Resting-state functional connectivity and deception: exploring individualized deceptive propensity with machine learning. Neuroscience, 2018, 10.36 [PDF]

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• 甘甜, 石睿, 刘超*, 罗跃嘉*. (2018). 经颅直流电刺激右侧颞顶联合区对助人意图加工的影响. 心理学报, 2018, 50(01): 36-46 [PDF]


• Tang, H.H., Ye, P.X., Wang, S., Zhu, R.D., Su, S*., Tong, L.Q., Liu, C*. (2017). Stimulating the right temporoparietal junction with tDCS decreases deception in moral hypocrisy and unfairness. Frontiers in Psychology, 2017, 8: 2033 [PDF]

• Zhu, R.D., Wu, H.Y., Xu, Z.H., Tang, H.H., Shen, X.Y., Mai, X.Q*., Liu, C*. (2017). Early Distinction between Shame and Guilt Processing in an Interpersonal Context. Social Neuroscience, 2017, 1: 1391119 [PDF]

• Wu, H.Y., Tang, H.H., Ge, Y., Yang, S.Y., Luo, Y.J., Mai, X.Q., Liu, C*. (2017). Object words modulate the activity of the mirror neuron system during action imitation. Brain and Behavior, 2017, e00840 [PDF]

• Tang, H.H., Lu, X.P., Su, R., Liang, Z.L., Mai, X.Q*., Liu, C*. (2017). Washing away your sins in the brain: Physical cleaning and priming of cleaning recruit different brain networks after moral threat. Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, 2017, 2(7): 1149-1158 [PDF]

• Zhu, R.D., Jin, T., Shen, X.Y., Zhang, S., Mai, X.Q*., Liu, C*. (2017). Relational utility affects self-punishment in direct and indirect reciprocity situations. Social Psychology, 2017, 48(1): 19-27 [PDF]

• Zhu, R.D., Shen, X.Y., Ye, P.X., Tang, H.H., Mai, X.Q*., Liu, C*. (2017) Self-punishment promotes forgiveness in direct and indirect reciprocity context. Psychological Reports, 2017, 120(3): 408-422 [PDF]

• 叶佩霞, 朱睿达, 唐红红, 买晓琴*, 刘超*. (2017). 近红外光学成像在社会认知神经科学中的应用. 心理科学进展, 2017, 25(5): 1-11 [PDF]

• 刘文利, 魏重政, 刘超. (2017). 从脑与认知神经科学视角看儿童道德发展和教育. 人民教育, 2017, 758 (1): 68-71 [PDF]

• 甄珍, 秦绍正, 朱睿达, 封春亮, 刘超*. (2017). 应激的脑机制及其对社会决策的影响探究. 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 53(3): 372-378 [PDF]


• Mai, X.Q., Zhang, W.L., Hu, X.M., Zhen, Z., Xu, Z.H., Zhang, J., Liu, C*. (2016). Using tDCS to explore the role of the right temporo-parietal junction in theory of mind and cognitive empathy. Frontiers in Psychology, 2016, 7: 380 [PDF]

• Liu, Y.Z., Lin, W.J., Liu, C., Luo, Y.J., Wu, J.H*., Bayley, P.J., Qin, S.Z*.(2016). Memory consolidation reconfigures neural pathways involved in the suppression of emotional memories. Nature Communications, 2016, 7: 13375 [PDF]

• Tang, H.H., Mai, X.Q., Wang, S., Zhu. C.Z., Krueger, F., Liu, C *. (2016). Interpersonal brain synchronization in the right temporo-parietal junction during face-to-face economic exchange. Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, 2016, 11(1):23-32 [PDF]

• Gan, T., Lu, X.P., Li, W.Q., Gui, D.Y., Tang, H.H., Mai, X.Q., Liu, C*., Luo, YJ*. (2016). Temporal dynamics of the integration of intention and outcome in harmful and helpful moral judgment. Frontiers in Psychology, 2016, 6: 2022 [PDF]

• Gui, D.Y., Gan, T., Liu, C*. (2016). Neural evidence for moral intuition and the temporal dynamics of interactions between emotional processes and moral cognition. Social Neuroscience, 2016, 11(4): 380-394 [PDF] (2018该期刊影响因子: 2.154)

• 张文莉, 唐红红, 刘超, 买晓琴*. (2016). 多人交互同步记录技术在大脑神经活动测量中的应用. 心理与行为研究, 2016, 14(6): 834-841 [PDF]


• Wu, H.Y, Ge,Y., Tang, H.H., Luo, Y.J., Mai, X.Q., Liu, C*. (2015). Language modulates brain activity underlying representation of kinship terms. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 18473 [PDF]

• Wu, J.H., Zhang, S., Li, W.Q., Qin, S.Z., He, Y., Yang, Z., Buchanan, T.W., Liu, C*, Zhang, K*. (2015). Cortisol awakening response predicts intrinsic functional connectivity of the medial prefrontal cortex in the afternoon of the same day. Neuroimage, 2015, 122: 158-165 [PDF]

• Lee, W.S*, Tang, H.H., Wan, J., Mai, X.Q., Liu, C*. (2015). A cultural look at moral purity: Wiping the face clean. Frontiers in Psychology, 2015, 6: 577 [PDF]

• Feng,C., Deshpande, G., Liu, C., Gu, R., Luo, Y.J*, Krueger, F. (2015). Diffusion of responsibility attenuates altruistic punishment: a functional magnetic resonance imaging effective connectivity study. Human Brain Mapping, 2015, 3(2): 663-667 [PDF]

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• 申学易, 买晓琴*, 刘超*. (2015). 基于互联网平台的大数据收集在社会认知研究中的应用. 科学通报, 2015, 60(11): 986-993 [PDF]

2014 and before

• Li, W.Q., Mai, X.Q*, Liu, C*.(2014) The default mode network and social understanding of others: What do brain connectivity studies tell us. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2014, 8: 74 [PDF]

• 朱睿达, 张燊, 申学易, 刘超*. (2014). 自我惩罚:影响因素、模型与展望. 心理科学进展, 2014, 22 (12): 1935-1943 [PDF]

• Liu, C., Tardif, T., Wu, H.Y., Monk, C.S., Luo, Y.J., Mai, X.Q*. (2013).The representation of category typicality in the frontal cortex and its cross-linguistic variations. Brain and Language, 2013, 127(3): 415-427 [PDF]

• Wu, H.Y., Yang, S.Y., Sun, S.Y., Liu, C*, Luo, Y.J*. (2013). The male advantage in child facial resemblance detection: Behavioral and ERP evidence. Social Neuroscience, 2013, 8(6): 555-567 [PDF]

• Wu, H.Y, Mai, X.Q*, Tang, H.H., Ge,Y., Luo, Y.J., Liu, C*. (2013). Dissociable somatotopic representations of Chinese action verbs in the motor and premotor cortex. Scientific Reports, 2013, 3: 2049 [PDF]

• 甘甜, 唐红红, 李万清, 陆夏平, 李小俚, 刘超*, 罗跃嘉*. (2013). 经颅直流电刺激右侧颞顶联合区对道德意图加工的影响. 心理学报, 2013, 45(9): 1004-1014 [PDF]

• 罗跃嘉, 李万清, 彭佳欣, 刘超*. (2013) 道德判断的认知神经机制. 西南大学学报(社会科学版), 2013, 39(3):81-86 [PDF]

• Chen, C, Liu, C*, Huang, R, Cheng, D, Wu, H, Xu, P, Ma,i X, Luo, YJ*. (2012). Suppression of aversive memories associates with changes in early and late stages of neurocognitive processing. Neuropsychologia, 2012, 50(12): 2839-2848 [PDF]

• Feng,C., Wang, L., Liu, C., Zhu, X., Dai, R., Mai, XQ*, Luo, Y*. (2012). The time course of the influence of valence and arousal on the implicit processing of affective pictures. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(1): e29668 [PDF]

• Mai X. Q., Tardif T., Doan S. N., Liu C., Gehring W.J., Luo, Y.J*. (2011) Brain activity elicited by positive and negative feedback in preschool-aged children. PLoS ONE, 2011, 6(4): e18774 [PDF]

• Liu, C., Tang, H.H., Luo, Y.J., Mai, X.Q*. (2011). Multi-representation of symbolic and nonsymbolic numerical magnitude in Chinese number processing. PLoS ONE, 2011, 6(4): e19373 [PDF]

• Sun, S., Mai, X. Q., Liu, C., Liu, J. Y., Luo, Y. J*. (2011). The processes leading to deception: ERP spatiotemporal principal component analysis and source analysis. Social Neuroscience, 2011, 6(4): 348-359 [PDF]

• Mai X. Q., Tardif T., Doan S. N., Liu C., Gehring W.J., Luo, Y.J*. (2011) Brain activity elicited by positive and negative feedback in preschool-aged children. PLoS ONE, 2011, 6(4): e18774 [PDF]

• Liu, C., Ge, Y., Luo, W.B., Luo, Y. J*. (2010). Show your teeth or not: The role of the mouth and eyes in smiles and its cross-cultural variations. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2010, 33: 450-452 [PDF]

• Liu, C., Ge, Y., Mai, X.Q., Luo, Y. J*. (2010). Exploring the conceptual and semantic structure of human kinship: An experimental investigation of Chinese kin terms. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2010, 33: 392-394 [PDF]

• Liu, C., Tardif, T *, Mai, X. Q., Simms, N., Gehring, W. J., Luo, Y. J*. (2010). Whats in a name? Brain activity reveals categorization processes differ across languages. Human Brain Mapping, 2010, 31(11): 1786-1801 [PDF]

• Liu, C., Zhang, W. T., Tang, Y. Y., Mai, X. Q., Chen, H. C., Tardif, T., Luo Y. J*. (2008). The visual word form area: Evidence from an fMRI study of implicit processing of Chinese characters. Neuroimage, 2008, 40: 1350-1361 [PDF]

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《临床心理学》(张理义,严进,刘超 主编) (2012) 人民军医出版社